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Genesis Streetworkout
"One family"
about us
Calisthenics is the sport that inspires us. We discovered our passion for calisthenics / street workout early on. In 2018 we formed a team called "Genesis Streetworkout" and from then on we trained together in the Basel area. Over time, more and more training locations were added in Baselland. Training sessions and championships all over the world were and are a big part of our sport. Our advantage over other sports is that we can decide, depending on the weather, whether we train outside in a street workout park or inside in a hall. Basically, however, we only need our body to practice calisthenics. We are a group of young, ambitious people with big goals, but we still had no idea in which direction we should really go. Nevertheless, many viewers quickly noticed our enthusiasm and shared it with us. They started training with us and joined the team. At the end of 2020 we gathered and decided to create an official association. In this way, every sports enthusiast could support our team, or now our club, and also become part of the community.

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